
A facelift (rhytidectomy) smoothes the loose skin on your face and neck; tightens underlying tissue and removed excess fat. As a result, your face will appear firmer, refreshed, and more youthful.

Typical Desired Outcome:
  1. Improvement of the deep cheek folds, jowls, and loose skin around the neck that develops with age.
Best Candidates:
  1. Good physical health of any age.
  2. Good emotional health and reasonable expectations.
  3. Deep lines that run from the corner of your nose beyond corner of your mouth.
  4. Loss of well defined jaw lines.
  5. Loose skin, wrinkles or excess fatty tissue in the neck.
Typical Recovery Timeframe:
  1. Sutures will be removed 7 to 12 days after surgery.
  2. Patient will return to reasonable activity usually in about two weeks.
  3. Numbness in the facial area will diminish, however some numbness may persist for several months.
To determine the best solution to meet your needs and discuss the operative risks involved, please call our office to schedule a convenient and confidential consultation with Dr. Oslin.

Additional information may be found at American Society of Plastic Surgeons: