Combination Augmentation and Mastopexy

Several scenarios exist for combination augmentation with mastopexy.  For most patients, the pre-operative concern is inadequate breast volume along with breast sagging, commonly seen after childbirth.  The combination of a breast implant (for volume) and a breast lift (for shaping) will restore a pleasing look, or "perkiness", of the breasts.  Much less frequently, a patient will have a severe difference in size of the breasts, where one breast needs more volume (with an implant) and the other breast needs less volume (with a reduction or mastopexy).  As with any breast enhancement procedure, the choice of saline or silicone implants is determined by patient and doctor, and by the needs of the procedure.

For more information see
  1. Breast Augmentation / Augmentation Mammoplasty
  2. Breast Lift / Mastoplexy