Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is designed to firm and smooth the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.
Typical Desired Outcome:
  1. A flatter, tighter abdominal profile.
Best Candidates:
  1. Good physical health of any age.
  2. Good emotional health and reasonable expectations.
  3. Patients with excess, sagging or loose skin of the abdomen.
  4. An abdomen that protrudes or is out of proportion to the rest of the body.
  5. Patients with abdominal muscles that have weakened due to aging or pregnancy.
Typical Recovery Timeframe:
  1. Drain tubes will be removed 7 to 14 days after surgery.
  2. Abdominal binder or girdle will be worn for approximately two weeks.
  3. Patient will gradually return to normal activity over several weeks.
  4. Numbness and tightness will subside after a few months.
To determine the best solution to meet your needs and discuss the operative risks involved, please call our office to schedule a convenient and confidential consultation with Dr. Oslin.

Additional information may be found at American Society of Plastic Surgeons: